Rough Drafts:

 Marie Curie's Background Information Page


We are studing Roller coasters. Here are some of the definitions.


There are many types of energy. The ones we are studying are Kinetic energy and Potential energy.


Kinetic Energy is the extra energy an object has due to its motion. Not extra...It is measured in kg. It is measured in Joules (kg m squared/ second squared) It is always moving. You get the kinetic energy by mulitplying 1/2 by the mass by the velocity squared. 1/2mvWhat are some things with KE?




Potential Energy is energy that is stored. To find the potential energy of an object, you multiply the height by the weight by the gravity. Gravity is 9.81 m/s2. The greater the height is, the greater the potential energy is, and the less kinetic energy there is. YES  Potential energy is measured in Joules, which is Kg m2/s2. Examples of things with PE.




Velocity is a speed given in a certain direction. To get the velocity of an object, you divide the distance by the time. When finding the velocity, you are finding the speed.




Friction is a force that oposes energy and creates heat.  More....




The law of conservation of energy is that you can't create or destroy energy. Potential energy + Kinetic energy + Thermal energy= constant movement  how are this law and friction related to one another?  what happens to energy when it seems to "go away" give examples


Marie Curies Velocity experiment:




We are trying to find the interval at which the ball goes fastest on the roller coaster track. I think the ball will go fastest at about 45 cm, where the highest kinetic energy is. I think the fastest speed will be somewhere between 90-100 label. I think it will travel the slowest at the first hill (going up). I think the slowest speed will be between 40-50label  where?.




• Roller coaster track

• Marble (steel)

• Roller coaster stand (screw, washer, stand metal rectangular pole)

• Time recorders




Our intervals will be ten apart (5 and 15, 5 and 25, 5 and 35, ect…) up to 75. They will not overlap. There will be two trials for each interval.



Location of first clamp

Location of  second clamp

Total distance traveled

Trial time 1

Trial time 2

Average time


5 cm

15 cm

10 cm





5 cm

25 cm

20 cm





5 cm

35 cm

30 cm





5 cm

45 cm

40 cm





5 cm

55 cm

50 cm





5 cm

65 cm

60 cm





5 cm

75 cm

70 cm











Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy are related to the Velocity (speed) because when the ball is going the fastest, there is higher kinetic energy and lower potential energy. The highest hill had the greatest potential energy because it was going the are pe and ke related to each other?